Facebook Business Manager Email Address Verification Bypass


When a Business Manager user decides to change his/her business email address under user settings, they should verify the email ownership by clicking on a link sent to that email. This verification procedure is to prevent abuse.

I found it possible to cicumvent this feature to add any business email address without verification.


  1. Authenticate into Business Manager.

  2. Go to Business settings –> People.

  3. Edit the email address of say, admin to any address.

  4. Capture the request using any intercepting proxy and edit the value of parameter email to the target business’ email and edit the value of parameter pending_email to attacker’s own email address.

  5. Complete the request and reload the page.

It could’ve added the new email address bypassing the verification process.

Report sent : 04 Dec 2015 

It was deemed as a duplicate report by the security team. Thanks for reading!