Leaking Facebook appsecret_proof - Private Bounty

While analysing the Oauth implementations and authentication procedures for a private bounty target in Hackerone, I found something that allowed me to leak the appsecret_proof (hash_hmac('sha256', app_access_token, app_secret)) which was being submitted to Facebook servers from the app server.

What’s appsecret_proof? Read more.

The site had a “Login with Facebook” option. While signing into site.com using Facebook and intercepting the POST request containing the access_token which was being submitted to https://www.site.com/auth/facebook after the Oauth flow, I tried fuzzing the request parameters. I chose to play with the parameter access_token and replaced the access_token I just allowed from Facebook with a new access_token (with minimal permissions) I grabbed directly from the Graph API Explorer. To my surprise, the app didn’t validate the response it received from Facebook’s remote server and passed it on to the user end. The error response contained both the access_token that was submitted by the user and appsecret_proof. In other words, it just defeated the whole purpose of using an appsecret_proof. I immediately reported the issue to site through their BBP.

Site.com fixed the vulnerability after hours of the initial report by validating the response they receive from remote server and rewarded me with an awesome bounty ;)

I went ahead and gave Facebook a heads up as there must be hundreds of apps following the same strategy in their implementations. Although it had nothing to do with Facebook, it still had something to do with Facebook as throwing appsecret_proof which the client (not end-users) just submitted, back to them within the error message was pretty unnecessary and something Facebook had forgotten to consider. Facebook denied to fix the issue stating that it’s the client’s responsiblity to properly validate the API response and mentioned that those error messages would help in troubleshooting.

Thanks for reading!